It was not all sitting around with my feet on the lifelines however, I got quite a bit done and had a very pleasant surprise fall in my lap. I started the week giving Skylark a thorough scrub down, stem to stern. It's amazing how long it takes to wash down a 34 foot boat. Times like this I wish I still has the Coronado 27, but as I mentioned earlier, the weather was perfect, so I sucked it up and finished it all in a day. Skylark is all shiny, one task off the list, on to the next.
I am not sure if you all saw what we saw when the moon came up last night, but apparently it was a special kind of Moon, something called a super Moon. From what I understand, it only happens once every 27 years. Its the time when the Moon is the closest to the Earth as it ever gets. If you were lucky enough to see the Moon come up over the horizon last night you were able to see the largest, bright orange Moon you probably have ever seen. It was truly amazing. I tried to take a pic, but it doesn't do it any justice. I guess this was the week of lucky events. I will certainly take it. Zachary thought it was the coolest thing he as ever seen. Reminded him of something out of Star Wars. Yeah, it really did actually. It's about the small things. Very cool.
The engine work is still scheduled for next week, so I am very hopeful all will be done by the next time I am down. Really looking forward to getting out and dropping the hook for a couple of days. I know Skylark and myself are ready to get away from this dock. Until then.